
1.If your item is damaged upon received, please contact us within 48 hours including picture proof of damaged items/shipping label/ packing box. We will respond within 48 hours with all those information.

2.If a delivery confirmation states that your item has already been delivered but you did not receive it, please open an ebay case directly.

3.Original shipping and handling is non-refundable. A 20% restocking fee will be charged for the return of the Free Shipping orders.

4.For any Exchange, Refund or Return, the item must be in its original condition, including the box, packing, and all of its parts.

5.Be Aware: Our chrome accessories can not be re-applied after your initial installation. Peeling off the chrome cover will result in damage of the part and no refund will be given for any used item or item with scratch on the surface. Please wrap the parts carefully before your return.